Maintenance Notice

GingerLily @ FM is closed for maintenance until further notice.
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Maintenance Notice

E3 exhibition will be closed from 29 Jul for maintenance until further notice.
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Maintenance Notice

The Scientist for a Day exhibition will be closed from 4 Jun to facilitate exhibition refresh. However, its other activities and programmes will continue.
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The Birdly Experience has been shifted to Hall A, next to the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition.
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There will be no sales of regular admission for KidsSTOP™ from 1 to 13 Oct for the Sensoria – Sarah’s Journey of Discovery theatre performance.
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Maintenance Notice

The area under Hall A Mezzanine will be closed off from 19 Aug.
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Maintenance Notice

Laser Maze will be closed for an upgrade from 11 Sep until further notice.
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Maintenance Notice

Zone 1: Science of Ageing at the Dialogue with Time exhibition will be closed off for revamp until 9 Sep.
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About Health Science Applied Learning Programme (ALP)

Over the years, health has become a growing concern among the ageing population and people with health issues (e.g. cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes). In our technological age, most of the working adults lead sedentary lives and fail to engage in essential physical activities. 

To further aggravate the problem, increasing affluence and influence by social media have given rise to the consumption of unhealthy food (e.g. fast food, bubble tea, trendy snacks). 

While technological advancement has benefitted many aspects of life, it is also responsible for causing sedentary lifestyles and increment in some health problems. Now, technology is certainly here to stay for the long haul. The question is: how can we harness technology to improve our well-being and quality of life? 

Our Health Science Applied Learning Programme (ALP) seeks to equip students to apply the knowledge of STEM and innovate to design solutions for better health in terms of physical fitness and nutrition. 

For example, students may build their own step trackers or heart rate monitor using block programming, create an automated blue light filter using engineering skills or construct a posture detector to prevent poor sitting posture and text neck symptoms. Students can also create educational games to teach players the various aspects of a healthy lifestyle like healthier choices of food, appropriate physical activities, etc.

Through the try-fail-try approach, we aim to enrich our students’ learning experience and encourage them to be innovative and continuously looking for ways to improve on their existing ideas.

STEM Inc Health Science ALP Example of a prototype that can be built as a final project. When the display changes, it is a reminder for your friend to drink the water. If the user fails to drink water after the first reminder, the display will show an icon to indicate that water has not been drunk yet.


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