• Jermin Sung

    Dear All, 


    I would like to thank you for the opportunity to intern at Science Centre. The past 5 months have been a wonderful experience and it has been a pleasure to work with everyone. 


    Over the course of this internship, I was able to participate in many design projects, and learned a lot from everyone here.☺ 

    I greatly appreciate all the advice and feedback from Lawrence, Jasreel, Jia Qi, Daphne, Ai Cing and Eric so that I could improve on my work. In addition, learning art and crafts from Sam and learning how to use the equipment have been a great experience. 

    Everyone's patience and guidance have been very helpful throughout my time here, and I enjoyed being part of the team. I truly appreciate the opportunity given to me through this internship, and I have gained a great working experience which I will look back on with fond memories. 

    Thank you so much again for this incredible experience, and I wish everyone all the best! 

  • Ang Ying Ming (Nanyang Polytechnic)

    Dear all,


    Happy New Year to all of you, may all of you have a good year ahead! Thank you all for having me, I am glad to be part of the team, the past 10 weeks have been enriching for me.


    Hope to see you all soon!